Thursday, 12 March 2009


This is the script for the preliminary task:

character 1: the boss
character 2:the employee

scene1: the entrance

the boss is on the phone taoking to PC Bradley enquiring about David shaun because something peculiar has come up on his record. PC Bradley confirms her queries and is David shaun is called into the office.

Mrs Marshall: oh so you are 100% sure that this is the case. Okay well i'll have to deal with it then. thank you very much mr PC Bradley. Bye. (puts down the phone, and picks up again then dials.)
Hello Sarah could you please send Mr David Shaun in the financial department on the 2nd floor up to my office.

David shaun: (knocks on the door) Yes Mrs Marshall you wanted to see me?

Mrs Marshall: Yes come in david. it has come to my attention thaty you have not been entirely truthful to this company.

David shaun: Sorry? i don't know what you are talking about. (in confusion)

Mrs Marshall: (places a document in front of David) i have no choice but to release you from your position, the company can no longer hold you with such a record. you have one weeks notice to clear your desk and be released from the business. thank you Mr Shaun, you may leave.

(David then leaves the room and closes the door.... outside he then clasps his head in utter shock and the scene ends)

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